On 2013-06-06 14:34:24 +0100, David Hill said:
On 06/06/2013 13:58, Baz wrote:
Sacha wrote in :
I thought some of our keen veggie growers might be interested in this
man's blog. His experience is enormous.
You are right. For me anyway.
Thanks, Sacha.
A very nice site, very nice.
every time I try his blog I either get
Application is not responding
or get that message after a minute or so. What I have seen I find hard
to read dark blue print on mid blue background.
For me, it has a sky blue bar at the end of the page but that's all.
Otherwise it's black print on a white background and a few photos. I
don't know if there should be more but I'll email him to ask.
South Devon