I teach my students to look for various kinds of bias including in funding and to
rank just how prestigious and WELL refereed the journal is that the study is
published in. Then it is up to my students to decide for themselves just how much
they want to believe the results of the study.
http://users.megapathdsl.net/~solo/w..._fall2002.html see the first
section on bias
What you write is a personal attack on me as defense of the study.
Feelings. Nobody can argue about how one "feels". Beliefs. What a person "believes"
cannot be debated since they are not facts, but beliefs. Debating with people who are
not willing to discuss anything but how they FEEL is pointless.
- However, people can discuss and debate facts. - Facts can be true or false, can be
misinterpreted, misquoted, misunderstood or incomplete. That is the point of
discussion and debates, to clarify and understand what the facts are.
The discussion and debate of facts can become derailed. One or both persons may feel
their beliefs are being assaulted. Then the discussion degenerates into a personal
1. A personal attack or assault is not a discussion of facts. It begins with
the attacker clearly identifying the person being attacked either by name or by the
use of "you" repeatedly
2. The attack is full of emotional words, feelings, beliefs and opinions, but few
3. The attacker typically proposes or insinuates elaborate motives (often
conspiracies) for behavior that has no basis in fact. Ascribing motives to another
person is, of course, unknowable. Motives are negative for the most part.
4. Name calling and character assassination is typical.
5. The attacker will often refer to "unidentified others" who share their beliefs and
"know what they know".
6. The attack is most often public to be effective.
x wrote:
Sorry Dr. Solo,
..... #1
cheap shot.
Sorry state of affairs
assinine comments
it's stupidity.
your nonsense
..... #2, #4
Every working scientist knows
We know
should we leave
..... #5
List Manager: Puregold Goldfish List
Solve the problem, dont waste energy finding who's to blame
Unfortunately, I receive no money, gifts, discounts or other
compensation for all the damn work I do, nor for any of the
endorsements or recommendations I make.