New turf going thin
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05-06-2013, 06:25 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2012
Posts: 283
New turf going thin
On 6/5/2013 12:11 PM,
On Jun 5, 4:26 am, jonnystuartuk
Morning all this is my fist post so be gentle with me. I searched the
forum but not managed to find an answer to my query.
I laid some new turn at the front of my house around 5 weeks ago. The
turf was abolutely perfect I prepped the ground perfectly.
The week after laying the turf was a sunny week, I was watering it in
the morning and at night and the roots were going down well after the
first week.
Following that week it rained heavy all week and the grass grew rapidly.
I then gave the lawn a cut on the highest setting of the mower however
it still took a good chunk off as it had grown a lot without me being
able to cut it.
I have gradually started lowering the cut over the last 2 weeks however
the turf seems to be going thin and I think slightly yellow in places.
My last cut was last night and I raised the cut from the last time I
mowed. I also gave it a good water as its been sunny. I have attached a
few images but I'm afraid they aren't great.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I have read that a light fertiliser
may help?
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It doesn't look too bad from the pic. Five weeks in, I would be
reducing the watering, so that it has a chance for the upper part
to dry out. Grass being constantly wet is not a good thing, as it
promotes many diseases. If it's hot while wet, that's the worst
combination. I'd reduce to watering every other day. And you
should water it so that the watering ends around sunrise. That
way it will be wet for the shortest period. You want to water it
deeply a couple times a week, once established, depending on
the weather.
You might want to check the mower blade too. The ends of the
grass are shreaded. Mowing it higher as you've been doing is
better too, at least until it gets more established.
I don't think it looks that bad either.
I was surprised a few weeks ago to see a TV bit on how they grew sod
commercially to find that they cut it three times a week. I suppose if
you followed that practice at your home after you bought it, it might
look good as new. Personally, I'll be damned if I want to be a slave to
my lawn
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