Wild Mushrooms
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04-06-2013, 01:29 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2013
Posts: 180
Wild Mushrooms
On 25/05/13 11:51, Granity wrote:
'Adam Funk[_3_ Wrote:
;983913']On 2013-05-23,
In article
Adam Funk
Are any of the non-deadly poisonous ones things that anyone would
actually want to eat, though? (For taste, I mean --- hallucinogenic
ones are of course a different kettle of fish.) AIUI, mushrooms are
generally divided into (1) tasty & safe, (2) dangerous, & (3) neither
--- with the majority falling in the 3rd group.-
Yes, and you are correct. I once ate Boletus felleus (don't ask),
and I had minor diarrhoea but two other people had no effect;
the point there is that more of the boleti taste good than are
advisable to eat. Tom Gardner's remarks are also relevant to
Well, my 3-way division above was NOT correct then, since are tasty &
(at least somewhat) dangerous ones.
The critical point is that you need to be absolutely sure that
you don't eat a lethal one by mistake, because lethal means just
that - and, if they don't kill you, you may need a liver
transplant to survive. But there aren't all that many of those,
and there are a lot that are excellent and very easy to separate
from anything lethal.-
As an expert said on the tele the other night: "All mushrooms are
edible, it's just that some will prevent you from ever eating them
twice." This was after a discussion on poisonous Fungi, so it was in
My website says something like: You can eat all mushrooms, but some of
them you can only eat once.
Rusty Hinge
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