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Old 28-05-2013, 07:23 PM posted to rec.ponds
j[_2_] j[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2011
Posts: 50
Default Pond fad over......

On 5/12/2013 1:10 AM, ReelMcKoi wrote:

wrote in message
Our pond is thriving. The industry appears not to be.

I have a 500 gallon pond, and friends with both larger and smaller
ponds. All in the city.

You would think that wanting a pond would be widespread, but not so.
Around here, ponds are very rare.

It may be that you need to know someone with a pond, before you get one.
I have a friend that wanted my advice about keeping the neighbors kids
out of her pond. So, she took my advice and now those kids have their
own small pond.


Our two ponds are also thriving. The only fish I have right now are
minnows from the bait shop. The herons and other predators ignore them.
The ponds are chuck full of frogs and newts. I sold the filters and
just have a pump in each pond to keep the water moving. Only a few of
the neglected water lilies have survived.
