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Old 27-05-2013, 06:54 PM posted to rec.gardens
Rob_in_Maryland Rob_in_Maryland is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 4
Default Non toxic, rabbit friendly plants!?

On Wednesday, May 8, 2013 3:22:05 PM UTC-4, kt6382 wrote:
I know most of you are probably anti-rabbit on here but I need some

clever minds to help me figure out which plants are NON-toxic to pet

bunnies please!?

I know things like bulbs, euphorbia and foxgloves are very poisonous but

iI have a pretty established garden and don't want to kill everything


Anyone know about hebes? hydrangea? escalonia? geranium? viola?


Also, I have just bought a marguerite and a campanula to plant. Are

these safe? and where would they be happy to be planted? I live near the

sea and have quite heavy soil (I think). I'm also thinking of getting

lavendar and sage coz I know they are safe. What else would be good?

Have just dug out to big euphorbia so need something nice and low

maintainence to fill the gaps. Any ideas welcome!!


Well, let's see ... Last year they ate my tomatoes, chard, squash, melon, blueberries, and rocket. So I guess you could give them any of those.


