~ jan wrote:
I'll gladly claim oldness. ;-) Looks like we didn't renew RPM, and
hopefully maybe the old trolls are not longer checking RP after so many
years have now passed.
And if people can simply ignore them, they'll starve to death....
My "farm pond" is doing fine, with several pairs of redwings taking up
residence in the usual places amidst the cattails. No bass spawning yet,
but I swear I can hear Sinatra being played on warm evenings.
Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at home.earthlink.net/~garygarlic
Zone 5/4 in upstate New York, 1420' elevation. NY WO G
Totally agree on the ignoring part.
I'm just gearing up this year. Last spring I was so much further ahead,
course it didn't hurt that my yard was chosen to be on the Secret Garden
Tour that was the first weekend after Memorial Day. At least the weather
was cooperative. This spring hasn't been favorable at all for us weekend
warriors and now everything is needing to be done at once it seems.... and
the body says: "I don't think so." ~ jan
Zone 7a, SE Washington State