On 14/05/2013 22:47,
In article , wrote:
Granity wrote:
Nice set of pictures here
'10 poisonous mushrooms to watch out for in Britain - Telegraph'
Nick just asked "how do you tell a yellow stainer from a field mushroom?"
Actually, telling one from a horse mushroom is harder, because the
latter stain yellow, too. But they do it slowly, and to a slightly
yellow colour, not quickly to a bright yellow.
But the list is crap. Some of those are lethal, but many are not,
And ISTR their advice on the false morel is somewhat misleading. It is
believed in the west that it is toxic and potentially lethal although it
is eaten cooked in Finland and Spain (sometimes with fatal consequences).
Cooked correctly it is supposed to be edible but I am not that keen on
eatin monomethylhydrazine YMMV. The true morel is absolutely delicious.
I think if they were going to do something like this they should have
shown the top deadly poison ones, the ones with most folk lore attached
and the edible ones that are too easily confused with toxic species. At
least that way they would be performing a useful service. As it is the
list looks more like the ones they could find with royalty free images!
and the list was clearly put together to look impressive. Typical
Their science writing has been rubbish for a long while. They are
stuffed to the gills with anti-science pundits although not to quite the
same extent as some of the other rabid right wing press.
Martin Brown