Lily beetles and Snakes head fritillaries
On Sun, 05 May 2013 22:36:58 +0100, Spider wrote:
Great. I shall be looking again tomorrow. I missed one the other day:~(.
I'm now squishing up to a dozen a day (or feeding them to resident cat
who for some reason finds them tasty). IME the best time to find them
is late morning, just as the sun starts to hit the lilies. Often,
they're in pairs doing what pairs do. It's a good idea to carry a
plastic cup or similar so that you can drop the pair in quickly when
you get them - otherwise you'll probably end up just squishing the
"top" and the "bottom" falls to ground and lives to bonk another day.
Cheers, Jake
Urgling from the East end of Swansea Bay where it's May
and I'm worried about minus zero temperaturess forecast