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Old 18-04-2013, 05:15 PM posted to,alt.politics.british,,uk.rec.gardening
Harry D Harry D is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2011
Posts: 18
Default Simple explanation of Thatchers legacy.

"allan tracy" wrote in message

How about this.

Those pictures of North Korea.

Well before Thatcher that's how half of Germany, Europe and the whole
of Russia looked before she came along.

Then she was a big part of the reason why those places no longer look
as if the loonies took over the asylum and why Scargill cries himself
to sleep every night.

She also inherited a basket case UK economy, that had required an IMF
bailout, which by the end of the follow on Major government had been
transformed it into the fourth richest country in the world, with the
fourth largest (by value) manufacturing sector to go with it.

Then along came Gordon Brown and ****** it all up again.

Exactly Allan, the main reason the industries disappeared from the north
were the unions who felt they could rule the country and hold it to ransom.
They instilled into the British workforce that you could get paid for doing
next to nothing and what you did do, do it in a shoddy way. The death of
manufacturing in this country can be laid firmly at the union's and poor
management's doors. All Maggie did was put a stop to this madness.