Well, thats it, seeded and/or planted.
Jake wrote in
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 11:13:54 GMT, Baz wrote:
Is there nothing at all on yours? As you know, you have to have a
sharp eye to see the new growth starting. I bet you any money that
yours perks up and shows you that it is not a dead duck.
You were right Baz! A couple of warm days and what was looking a
decidedly dead plum tree now has tiny green bud tips showing all over
it! The pear tree is also showing signs of life. Now I'm waiting for
the Braeburn apple to catch up with the gala and golden delicious
trees which are all starting to leaf up nicely.
Cheers, Jake
Urgling from the East end of Swansea Bay where the
showers of April have arrived!
Thats it then!
Competition ON! Joking.
Will we get fruit this year on a young tree? I am hoping so. If only a two
or three.
The old Conference pear has been showing buds for 2 or 3 weeks now and it
is probably its last. I have a new one about 3' high and let it mature a
bit for 2 or 3 years then the old one is firewood.
A long term plan for the impatient, as I am, but the deed has to be done
and we have to start somewhere.
The very best of luck to you, not only the Vic. but everything.