Well, thats it, seeded and/or planted.
Baz wrote:
We just have to wait.
No doubt some or even all will come to nowt.
Of course the brassicas will need pricking out. as will others like
tomatoes, cucumbers and such. Its a personal relief to get so far.
I've come back off holiday and found loads of little bush tomatoes
all fit and healthy on the window sill, loads of beans, and loads of
healthy courgettes, butternut and sweetcorn that the boys did.
Oddly, the courgettes Daniel planted are doing far less well than
those Benjamin did, for no clearly apparent reason.
1 totally failed to germinate tray of cabbage, moved all the caulis
and leeks out to the greenhouse before we went, and - oh, I'd better
go check the greenhouse sweetpeas survived us being away!
Yet again, for the umpteenth year running, I didn't sow any of the
flower seeds I meant to. I think all the seeds are now many years
out of date. I may have to just nip ou tthere and sprinkle them all
over the flower beds and see what makes it!