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Old 12-04-2013, 02:16 PM posted to rec.gardens
Pat Kiewicz[_2_] Pat Kiewicz[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2008
Posts: 509
Default Are there virus resistant squash seeds? Virus killing my squash!

Red said:

That probably explains my squash problem. I plant yellow and zucchini
squash and the yellow type dies before producing and the zucchini dies
after a couple of pickings. I also had been planting nearby wild
flowers (+catnip?) to attract bees for pollination and to draw insects
out of the garden, but I may well have been providing a storage source
for the MV. Our honey bees are gone and other type bees, except for
the darn carpenters, are few so I thought an attractant might be
beneficial but may be a hindrance.

Do you live where squash vine borers occur? Summer squash (or any
of the short-vined 'bush' type winter squash) are extremely vulnerable to
them, and will typically go into a rapid decline just when they begin to
flower or shortly after. They may show signs of other diseases as they
die, but the borers are ultimately responsible for the decline.

Pat in Plymouth MI

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