Will grass push through top soil
macadonald wrote:
My question is: Will a good established dwarf creeping rye grass, which
was sold as a hard waring type push through a thin top dressing?
I hope so?
if it isn't buried too deeply it should
be ok. also if the surrounding grass is ok
and the area is small then it will fill in
from the sides even if it does get smothered.
the only real problem is that gaps like
this are invitations to blowing weed seeds
to get established.
next time, go thinner on the application
and do multiple applications as the grass
gets growing.
this is pretty much the best approach for
applying compost also, a thin layer on top
spread out and then as it disappears add
more if needed.
if you just recently did this you can go
out and rake away some of the extra on top
in the areas that look thick enough to smother
and then it should be ok. give it a good
watering if there hasn't been enough rain.