Will grass push through top soil
Hi Guys,
For the last couple years, I've spent a lot of time on my lawn getting it to what I think it pretty decent. We had some building work done over winter and as much as I tried to protect it, some areas got a little too much traffic.
I bought in a bulk bag of Baileys of Norfolk 'Turf Renovation Mix' - basically a sandy top dressing. Aerated the lawn and raked and cut it last week. I then went about spreading and brushing in the top dressing. Overseeded it and raked this in. Although I do have a lot of the established grass tips showing through the top dressing, in some areas, particularly the lower spots, it has covered much of the grass.
My question is: Will a good established dwarf creeping rye grass, which was sold as a hard waring type push through a thin top dressing?
I hope so?