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Old 22-01-2013, 07:26 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default New use for the hoe

G.Harman wrote

stuart noble wrote:

Just used it to clear ice from the pavement outside. The blade slips
under the edges of the ice easily so that huge chunks can be lifted in
one go. At this rate I could do the rest of the street by tea time

Was doing that Monday, once into the rhythm was managing lift and hurl
the ice over the hedge into the field in one action.
Neighbour always gets her Dad in for gardening jobs,it is how he makes
a living. He started clearing 45 mins before I did using a spade,
using the Hoe I had cleared the same amount of ground and caught him
up in about 15 mins. Smart ******* he said as we both nattered over a
coffee. Must say that if I had to use a shovel it would be a Devon
type or one of the similar long handled styles. Using a normal spade
for something as relatively light as snow and then a brush to move it
when it can be lifted and hurled in one action is unnecessary hard
work. But the Hoe was in the closer shed and it was only hard surfaces
that needed clearing.

I use my long handled manure shovel, it's a proper shovel with a flat blade
and raised sides.
This is the sort of thing.

Woks a treat on squashed snow as it scrapes it off the path with it's sharp
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK