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Old 22-01-2013, 12:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
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Default Replacing Steps in Steep garden

"Roger Tonkin" wrote in message
In article ,

The first two pictures show the steps to our gardens. Now I am well aware
that this is not steep, but could the same principle be used, but the
on end instead of on their side and filled between the steps with gravel?

I would be very, very wary of using gravel on paths in
the garden. Definitely not in a veg garden, where you
walk with muddy boots, the gravel sticks and ends up
where you dont want it, mud falls from the
boots/wheelbarrow etc and encourages weeds to grow in
the gravel.

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales

Roger I couldn't agree more, but I think you will find that this is a
'Woodland Garden' and I am assuming grass either side.

Maybe I have it wrong, it has been known ;-)




I'm an Angel, honest ! The horns are there just to keep the halo straight.
