"S Viemeister" wrote in message
On 1/16/2013 9:14 AM, Ophelia wrote:
When we are away from home, which we often are with work, we use a
mobile broadband dongle from 3. It simply plugs into a USB port on the
laptop. We have tried all the UK providers and the 3 network coverage
and speed is best by far. Ours costs £15.99 per month but we are on the
top rate because our usage for work and other related activity demands
it; there are cheaper packages, starting at £7.50pm or PAYG, if you
don't need that level of service. The dongle came free with our
package, others may vary. Call in at a 3 shop or go to
But first, check that 3 actually covers the area you'll be in! A distant
cousin bought a lovely new 3 dongle to use while she was visiting to do
some genealogy research - and discovered that the nearest 3 coverage was
about 30 miles away!
Yes, always best to check. They do have the best coverage nationally but it
isn't complete. They are, however, totally open and honest about it and will
show you a map of where the best signal reception is, where it works outside
but might not be so good inside, and where there are known dead spots.