Coffee grounds to keep out cats?
Does anyone have a link to these animal control sprinklers? thanks -Mike
Tim B wrote in message
.. .
Ever consider the animal control sprinklers you see in garden catalogs?
They are said to be able to direct a nice jet of water at anything that
moves within range. BUt you may need more than one to get good coverage
the garden. Cats have major issues with the fear of being wet. Though
they swim very well. Go figure. If they were easy to figure out they'd
dogs. It's part of the intrigue of having them around.
Is the indoor litter box in a place where the cat knows to look for it,
is it nice and clean? Cats have a double-whammy in that they like to go
the same general area each time but they also like to go in the cleanest
place they can scratch up enough loose material to cover it. If it's
clean, it might actually be too clean and you can, um, seed it with a few
stray poopies.
"Polar" wrote in message
My Pericles is the strongest-willed cat I have ever
been owned by, and that goes back a lot of years.
He had a terrible accident to his hind leg that co$t me a
bundle, so I try to keep him in at night. If he needs a bm, he does
it in a big planter in the living room -- you can imagine the mess!
He has stopped pooping in the elegant toilet I bought him,
filled with expensive crystals, but instead, during the day, is going
in my veg. gardens. Nothing deters him. I even tried mothballs
again (dodges blows), but he just brushes them aside.
To the point: Would coffee grounds be (a) a deterrent
and (b) not harmful to the veggies? Not a huge coffee drinker,
moi, but I could ask at a coffee shop (has anybody done this?
what success?)
Your experience earnestly solicited.
Zone 24/8
So. Calif Coastal