On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 12:29:03 -0000, "john stone"
I've been moving the pots around on the patio the last few days in this
frosty weather since there are often worms underneath. He is so keen he is
just pushing me out of the way. After moving these pots a few times there
seems to be no more worms though.
Would it be worth while just having a little dig into the top soil, or would
that be a waste of time bearing in mind the earth here almost solid due to
the near minus temperatures.
I'm told freeze dried mealworms are the way to do, but at a local store they
are £3.50 for a very tiny tub which would not go very far. Grateful for
advice on where to buy them more economically. Thanks.
Move big plant pots.
Put bits of wood on the ground and then move them a few days later.
There's loads of worms under tubs and bits of wood on the allotment
(They are thin planks I use to stand on when I'm planting/weeding)
Plenty of nice worms underneath.