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Old 22-11-2012, 11:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Kathy Kathy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2011
Posts: 167
Default Yet more proposed regulation - chickens this time

wrote in message
Ophelia wrote:
Being Daniel, it could very well have been "to wipe up the poo".
as far as I can tell in this case, it was "to **** off mummy". He said
they were in his bed and they were rubbish. So obviously the floor is
place for them to go

Right! Did Mummy have a wee word with himself on this matter? g Does
has a rubbish bin in his room? ))

He does not, but they don't really /normally/ have much opportunity to
a mess of a rubbish kind. And also, he's particularly talented at
things not-at-the-right-place. Eg, his dirty clothes aimed for the wash
end up on the top of the door ...

Going to be a striker for England then :-}
