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Old 20-11-2012, 07:28 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David in Normandy[_8_] David in Normandy[_8_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 761
Default it feels right of your flick

On 20/11/2012 19:09, wrote:
In article ,
Stewart Robert Hinsley wrote:


Thanks for the reference; I knew that automated trolls existed,
but didn't know that history.

In this case it is link spam for a footwear product. The nonsense text
is an attempt to fool spam detection algorithms.

That puzzles me. Is it reader-specific and how does it work?
Now you point it out, and I can see what, but I can't think of
many people insane enough to want to follow the links in such
a thing. Of course, I regard most of the human race as insane,
especially when it comes to sending text messages on a numeric
keypad and other such abuses of hand-held computers.

Nick Maclaren.

It isn't intended for humans to read; it is aimed at the Google bots
that roam websites and forums. The more links it finds to a particular
site the higher the page ranking it gives the site in search results; so
more chance of someone searching for product X on Google getting
presented with a link to the spam page.