Yet more proposed regulation - chickens this time
"Martin Brown" wrote
There isn't enough awareness among chicken owning public of the welfare
requirements of hens when kept as garden pets/lifestyle accessories.
Actually you can say that about all "pets". My sis-in-law looks after other
peoples dogs/cats when they go away on holiday/business and is always
commenting about her clients saying "I love my dog/cat" but that there is no
welfare whatsoever, everything is for the ease and convenience of the owner
there being no thought for what's good for the dog/cat. Don't people read up
on keeping the pet they want and it's requirements before they buy it?
She had one client that was a vegetarian and therefor so was her dog, poor
dog was always ravenous, would steal any meat, and suffered digestion
problems which was always cured by the time he went home again only to
re-occur immediately.
Obviously most breeders are not like the one we bought two Birman cats from
where we had to travel across S. London to go to Sunday Tea twice and
effectively sit an exam (by her and the cats) both times before she would
let us buy them. We then had to promise to feed chopped up fresh Lambs
Hearts daily and various other strict rules.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK