"Kate" wrote in message
Hi there
I've never grown clematis before, or any climber really!
I'd like to grow clematis to fill 3 fence panels, 6' high, each panel
about 4' across. I've got a small border of about 6" of soil between the
fence and a patio.
My thoughts (based on looking at some web pages etc ) a
1. Choose a late-flowering clematis like Jackmanii, which will not be too
vigorous - also I can cut it back hard without ill effects if it's ever
necessary to get to the fence for repainting or other maintenance.
2. I'll put eyelet hooks up the fence posts, about 6 to 12" apart, and
thread thin wires between them horizontally.
3. Ideally I'd have a wider border so that I could plant the clematis 12
to 18" away from the fence. That's not possible, so I'll just have to do
what I can in the limited space.
Have I said anything stupid here? When is a good time to plant? How many
plants would I need to cover the horizontal distance involved? One per
panel maybe?
Any other advice?
Kate xx
On a fence it wont make a lot of difference which way it faces but do chose
all from the same pruning group, like you I prefer the cut down hard in
winter summer flowering sorts.
My only observation would be don't just have wires horizontally, the plants
will climb better and be less prone to wind damage if you have some wires
vertically as well. I use stock fencing which is galvanized and has about a
6" square, remember to attach what ever you use in suck a way that the plant
can wrap around it, so it needs to be held about 1" off the fence.
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs