Thread: Roundup weeding
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ken Ken is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2012
Posts: 23
Default Roundup weeding

As I said I don't like Monsanto at all and you should *NOT* buy

RoundUp(TM) for precisely *THAT* reason. If you look back through the

urg and archives you will find that I have been saying the

same thing ever since the GM controversy exploded.

Glyphosate is pretty benign - the wetting agents used in commercial

pesticide formulations are more dangerous.



Martin Brown

As you seem to know better than those whose recent scientific study suggested very strongly that using Roundup may well result in serious health problems, I think it is clearly your duty to inform them they are wrong.

As to Monsanto the power of the $$$$ in the US has meant they have been able to get laws introduced which mean small holders face fines of up to $1 million, and or imprisonment, if they use anything other than products made by Monsanto and stipulated by law..........personally I would have though that alone would make most think twice about buying Monsanto products.