"Martin" wrote in message
On Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:07:22 +0100, Martin wrote:
On Tue, 30 Oct 2012 14:45:29 +0000, Janet Tweedy
In article , Rob
My Honda HR216 is worn out. To get an equivalent spec I would have to
buy Hayter
Unfortunately my independent servicing guy says they dont match up to
(Belt Drive/ Briggs engine etc.)
Anyone comment on Hayter ?
Hayter are really the best machines I've ever used, really good , Stand
up to a lot of wear and tear though currently i have to find a fuel cap
for a harrier 48 and can't find one on the net for love nor money. It
presumably vibrated off but I couldn't find it and I know it was there
when i started the lawn!!
If anyone knows where i can get a fuel cap for a Hayter harrier 48 I
will be eternally grateful!!
Perhaps from here
If you can find the filler cap or even the fuel tank you are doing
better than me. They must be there somewhere.
There have lots of fuel caps. Maybe you know which one you need.
I'd phone them.
Fuel Cap
in the search window.
This site has exploded drawings of the machines complete with part number
I'm an Angel, honest ! The horns are there just to keep the halo straight.