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Old 09-10-2012, 02:15 PM posted to
Frank Frank is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
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Default Help! Lawn damage

On 10/8/2012 5:09 PM, Dave wrote:
On Monday, October 8, 2012 7:55:05 AM UTC-4, Pat Kiewicz wrote:
Dave said:

Here are some pictures - I tried to post them earlier but a Comcast problem interfered.

Very typical of skunks digging for grubs and worms. (Racoons are another possible

culprit, but skunks would be my primary suspect.) This time of year they are working

hard to fatten up, doubly so as they probably had a tough time of it over the summer.

They tend to avoid thick, uniform stands of turf and concentrate on areas where the turf

is thinning, patchy or otherwise varied.


Pat in Plymouth MI

"Yes, swooping is bad."

email valid but not regularly monitored

Interesting - we do smell skunks around here regularly, but I haven't actually seen any. Wonder how to deal with them, if the culprit turns out to be skunks. Maybe if I catch them in the act I could run toward them, yelling and waving my arms? I don't see how that could go wrong...

As Pat points out, skunks are fearless. You back off, not them.
You can actually catch them in a Hav-a-hart trap and dispose of them if
you have the nerve. You throw a tarp over the trapped skunk and haul it
away and release it by opening the trap from a distance.

From discussion, I suspect dogs. I have not seen that much lawn damage
from skunks and other critters.