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Old 05-10-2012, 06:39 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
[email protected] is offline
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Default sweet peas already?

On Saturday, 29 September 2012 14:55:02 UTC+1, Jake wrote:
On Sat, 29 Sep 2012 13:53:02 +0100, stuart noble


I see Unwins are advising people to sow sweet peas now. I'm in favour of

early sowing, but surely not till the current plants have stopped blooming.

Are there any other flowers that can be germinated in Autumn and will

survive the winter in a cold frame? Nice to see something growing when

it's so dismal outside

Lots. I'm about to start sowing my Autumn hardy annuals. I'll sow half

of my sweet peas now and the other half in spring. Plus:

Ammi Majus (they dislike root disturbance so sow in modules and pot on

carefully). I might try other Ammis if I can buy seed.


Cerinthe Major





A sowing now and another in spring should give me a longer flowering


I'm also going to try sowing some perennials - Achillea,Aquilegia,

Foxgloves and Poppies. If I'm collecting seeds from these now, then

nature would presumably sow them now.

The alphabetical order is simply because I've got the seed envelopes

in front of me and they're organised that way

Cheers, Jake


Urgling from the East End of Swansea Bay where sometimes

it's raining and sometimes it's not.

Glad you got me off my backside because I was able to buy a selection of your suggestions from the 50p tray in the garden centre. (Why they just jumble flowers and veg up in one box is a mystery to me. I happen to have an hour to spare to browse but most people just shrugged and walked on.)
Also a pack of 5 sturdy Stewart seed trays for a quid each