Heros or war criminals?
On Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:37:34 AM UTC+1, Steerpike wrote:
On Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:33:20 AM UTC+1, Ragnar wrote:
"Steerpike" wrote in message
If Blair were ever charged with war crimes, would it follow that if
Nuremberg priciples were applied, that the "Heros" responsible for doing
the actual killing would also be implicated?
I've racked my brains to find a link between this and gardening.
Nope, can't find one.
The link lies in the fact that many posters on here do fund raising work for the dodgy "Help for Heros" charity, which if Blair is indeed guilty, maybe needs to change its name to "Help for Killers"?
None that I am aware. There might be but then they don't post about it. Are you stalking people?