GM crops?
Steerpike wrote:
Absolute rubbish snipped - why should others who have [certainly] killfiled
this nutter be forced to read it second-hand.
Hello there folks, I'm new here and have just spent a pleasant half an hour
or so reading the various and informative posts that have been made by
posters who have a damn good idea of what they are about (it's certainly
relieved my boredom tonight). But as usual with newsgroups, there is one
obvious fly in the ointment - who the bloody hell is this idiot (steerpike),
and what a prat he seems to be with his rather obnoxious trolling statements
and total lack of on-topic subject matter?
Another bozzo for automatic dumping in the rubbish bin - which will make my
return visits here even more interesting without his rubbish messing the
place up.