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Old 23-09-2012, 11:41 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
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Default GQT

"Ophelia" wrote in message

"kay" wrote in message

'Ophelia[_4_ Wrote:
;969410']I was just listening to it this afternoon. One question was
from a woman
who lived in her motor home and wanted ideas for plants she could grow
I have mentioned here that we are away for a lot of the year with
work. I got fed up with renting houses so we bought a big caravan and
it that when we are away. The past couple of years, I grew some
in posts which travelled with us and they did very well. Not many of
but a treat to have fresh. This year I planted my courgette seeds in
If you have read my post on 'Sorry courgettes' you will know they
Do you think that is because they were in pots; because they were moved;
for weather reasons most others seem to have. When we came back last
I transferred the plants into a big container in the garden. They just
there and sulked until they died off.

I don't think it's the pots. I grow mine in pots, so I can keep them in
the greenhouse which is free of slugs. This year mine were slow in
producing fruits, and a couple died off, though on the plus side they
haven't yet succumbed to mildew which they tend to do towards the end of
the season. Previous years I haven't had any problems with cropping. So
i think the bad cropping is to do with the weather - lack of sun, lack
of light, lack of heat. Probably not lack of pollinators because I hand
pollinate to be on the safe side.

Thanks, Kat. Mildew might have been a problem, but I wouldn't know how to
recognise it if it bit me on the bum

They started to grow and then suddenly they stopped and all the fruits

Apologies, Kay,I called you kat. It was a typo