20-09-2012, 03:14 PM
posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,093
Visit to Hill Top
"David Hill" wrote in message
On 20/09/2012 11:18, John Rye wrote:
Hello All
I have just returned to my garden in East Anglia from a short holiday in
Cornwall. In Cornwall we visited the Eden Project, and a couple of the
National Trust Gardens. It reminded me just how differrent the climate is
the two sides of our country. From various contributions on this group it
clear that a visit to Hill Top nursery on our return drive might be
interesting, and it was. An incredible collection of plants inside and
outside a large range of large greenhouses, together with an interesting
garden and a good tea room. A proper nursery not a Garden Centre.
The only problem was that an awful lot of the plants would not have a
hope of
surviving in my garden. I did sucumb to Euryops pectinatus which I shall
to add to my collection of plants kept going by cuttings overwintered in
So, where is this Hill Top Nursery?
Sacha's place http://www.hilltopnurseries.co.uk/