Visit to Hill Top
Hello All
I have just returned to my garden in East Anglia from a short holiday in
Cornwall. In Cornwall we visited the Eden Project, and a couple of the
National Trust Gardens. It reminded me just how differrent the climate is on
the two sides of our country. From various contributions on this group it was
clear that a visit to Hill Top nursery on our return drive might be
interesting, and it was. An incredible collection of plants inside and
outside a large range of large greenhouses, together with an interesting
garden and a good tea room. A proper nursery not a Garden Centre.
The only problem was that an awful lot of the plants would not have a hope of
surviving in my garden. I did sucumb to Euryops pectinatus which I shall have
to add to my collection of plants kept going by cuttings overwintered in the
John Rye
Hadleigh IPSWICH England
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