Roundup-resistant weeds
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20-09-2012, 10:41 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Roundup-resistant weeds
On 20/09/2012 07:27,
In article ,
Bob Hobden wrote:
"Martin" wrote ...
Bacteria resistance to antibiotics does not depend on your personal
use of them, nor even a country's policy to not over use antibiotics.
Not sure that is correct, my understanding is it's mainly caused by
overprescribing in animals and people, and people not taking the full course
as prescribed.
It is definitely INcorrect, and you are correct.
But with modern travel it is overuse and misuse mostly in other far
flung countries that has created antibiotic resistance strains. The US
habit of using them as a prophylactic growth promoter particularly.
We may well get inflicted with the giant mutant ragweed and other
such plants the USA has created, but there is a fairly low chance
that they will cause even farmers in the UK as much trouble.
Until we allow commercial scale growing of RoundUp Ready crops it is
unlikely we will see many Roundup resistant weeds. Buttercup and ivy are
already half way there. I expect RoundUp Ready oilseed rape volunteers
to be a nuisance though if they ever arrive.
ISTR there is a vigorous wild cabbage that they will outcross to as well.
Other serious nuisance plants in the US would probably find it too cold
and short a growing season over here to complete a life cycle here.
Martin Brown
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Martin Brown
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