Any tips for growing a vine in my conservatory?
Ragnar wrote:
I was given a Pinot Noir vine as a present. I do not want to grow it
outside as I would not expect any fruit this far north (Manchester). So I
will plant it in a container in my conservatory.
Any advice from anyone who has done this successfully? I am not able to cut
a hole in the floor to allow the plant to root in the natural ground, nor
can I grow it outside and train it in through a hole in the wall as I have
seen suggested.
We have two outdoor grapes (not sure of the variety) in pots, which have both
fruited this year, one better than the other, for no apparent reason. They
are both routinely watered with a drip-waterer twice a day. (We are much
further south than you, but presumably your question is about whether they
can be pot-grown)
In fact, the black grape that we have pot-grown up the kitchen wall seems to
fruit better than any of the outdoor ones have ever done.