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Old 09-09-2012, 02:47 PM posted to
Don Green Don Green is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 4
Default Lawn Fungus/Mushroom?

A couple of years ago I took down a tree that was dying. I had the
stump ground down, but of course all the root structure is still

Since then, I've noticed a lot of what I think are mushrooms that I
can only describe as resembling cauliflower growing in that same area
of my lawn. When I Googled it, I found this:

which is exactly what I have.

First, please, don't anyone tell me that they're beautiful and helpful
and that I should leave them alone. They're going. Period. This my
damn front lawn.

To remove them, I end up taking out big divets of my lawn, and they
still grown back in different locations. Basically, each week before
I mow, I go around with a shovel and dig up the weeks growth of these

Any thoughts on getting rid of them would be helpful.
ANY other input would not.