blue smoke from garden tractor
On Aug 29, 6:17*am, "Joe" wrote:
I have a Craftsman lawn tractor- model 917.272244 I purchased in 2001. It
has always run well, but in recent years it's been burning oil, more and
more lately. It used to be that only when I started it- I'd see some some
blue smoke for a few seconds, then it would clear. Now it's blue smoke all
the time, or-- at least most of the time. Yet, it still starts and runs. It
doesn't make any odd noises so I don't think it's misfiring. In the past the
oil level didn't go down much but lately it's going down fast- so, despite
being a mechanical idiot (seriously)- I'm presuming it's burning oil due to
the seals on the cylinders? If so, does this mean it's near the end of its
life or is it possible to get an "engine job" at a reasonable price? yes, I
know, I need to talk to local shops that sell and repair GTs. But, before i
do that, as always, I like to get somewhat familiar with *problems online
before talking to a shop person.
Oh, I've always done the maintenance by the book- other than draining the
gas and oil at the end of the season due to my laziness.
I'm hoping that there might be some other cause for the blue smoke but I
won't hold my breath- unless I'm on the mower (ha).
Any comments will be appreciated.
I have a Craftsman 25hp garden tractor that was doing the same thing.
It used about 1qt oil per acre of mowing. Being mechanically minded,
I tore it down and replaced the valve stem seals and rings. (Tearing
it down was the hard part so no sense doing a partial fix.) Anyway
that is what was wrong with it. It now runs good and I haven't had to
add oil all season. Cost was about $70 for parts but labor would
have been a 'bit' more.