23-04-2003, 08:32 AM
Coffee grounds to keep out cats?
On Tue, 22 Apr 2003 13:09:02 GMT, (Frogleg)
On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:11:56 -0700, Polar
He has stopped pooping in the elegant toilet I bought him,
filled with expensive crystals, but instead, during the day, is going
in my veg. gardens. Nothing deters him. I even tried mothballs
again (dodges blows), but he just brushes them aside.
Cats tend to prefer nice, fluffy, recently-dug soil. Watch out, veg
Thou has said it! I sowed green onions between rows of strawberries
(in a separate small patch, not the one I covered with netting), and
guess what -- yes, both rows.
You might try offering an alternative -- a space as much like
your veg area as possible, easily accessible, with consistently
easy-to-dig (and dry as possible) dirt. An outdoor litterbox, in fact.
Was thinking of that, actually. Where I'd LIKE him to go, if he *has*
to go outdoors, is an empty area in back of the new landscaping, that
is nice and fluffy, with thick-ish coat of redwood compost. Maybe if I
"inoculate" it with some poop he'll get the message ?
For the indoors, did Pericles change his habits when you got the new
box, changed the litter, or moved the box to a new place? If he was OK
with store-brand clay, maybe he just doesn't care for glitter-litter.
No, he was consistent with the crystals that I used in the "elegant
toilet" which was was in place from Day One when I brought him
home as a kitten. It was only *much* later, after I had been keeping
him indoors in a sickroom recovering from his accident, when he got to
go outside again, that he disdained the indoor toilet.
In fact -- little monster!! -- even with this clean crystal toilet
available, since I am now keeping him in at night, he has several
times dug into a large indoor planter and draped poop all over the
side and on the floor!
(Incidentally -- this is weird -- when I cleaned the poop off the
copper planter, it shone brand-new, like I have never been able to
clean it with commercial products!
I always believe what the last person tells me about anything.
Me, too. :-)