Thread: Pi**ed off
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Old 12-08-2012, 03:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
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Default Pi**ed off

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2012-08-12 01:10:27 +0100, "Christina Websell"

"Kathy" wrote in message
Went down the lottie today and thought, as it hasn't rained for a few
days.that I would mow the central path. Opened the shed and - no mower.
As I went off to see if my plot mate had borrowed it, I noticed that the
two 6ft posts I'd put in ready to wire up for the climbing fruit were

Subject line says it all.


So sorry to hear this. Did you mark your mower with your post code with
of those ultra violet pen thingies?
I got a electric fence unit back once because I'd marked it. The police
were at a house a few miles away for a drug raid and there was my
fence unit with my post code on it which was reported as stolen by me a
weeks before.
I don't know what the thieves expected to do with it. Duh.
Anyway, I got it back.
Nothing like that has ever happened again.

Just in case, my computer is marked in a similar way. The likelihood of
someone breaking into my house is very low, but, hey, if they stole my
computer that would give me a chance of getting it back.

There's some kind of tracking device you can put into a computer's guts,
isn't there Perhaps it should be marketed for all garden machinery, too.
Having things pinched is a horrible feeling and a really maddening


Dunno if this is any help but there are tracking devices you can have fitted
to just about anything; some provided a GPS location for the item, some are
detectable by a monitoring device. whether it is cost effective or not
depends on the value of the item. Our caravan, for example, has both types
and lots of microdots containing the chassis number of the caravan on the
furniture, equipment and accessories too (marking stuff with a UV marker
would do the same job but the applying the dots was quicker). That stuff
came from the org that runs the Caravan Registration and Information System
(CRIS) but no doubt there are similar systems available for other purposes.
There are also chips and programs you can fit to your computer that don't
just show where it is but allow you to take control of it. There was a
humorous report recently of someone who did just that, turned on the webcam
and not only had the location but also film of the person using it! I think
the thief pleaded guilty