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Old 01-08-2012, 10:07 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Tim Watts[_2_] Tim Watts[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2012
Posts: 45
Default Hawthorn hedge - interplanting for better winter screening?

David Hill wrote:

On 31/07/2012 22:44, Sacha wrote:
On 2012-07-31 19:01:22 +0100, Tim Watts said:

Thanks to everyone so far - some promising ideas. And I have never
heard of
any of the suggestions, so I'd never have worked this out wiothout all



I'm afraid I'm going to disagree with those suggesting Escallonia. While
it does, indeed, make an extremely handsome hedge, imo it looks
absolutely dreadful as 'dot' planting and achieves a kind of scruffiness
that is very undesirable! If you decide to grub the whole hedge out
and replace it, then I'd certainly say look at Escallonia. But as a few
plants interspersed with established holly and hawthorn, it will look
like a ballet dancer in a coalmine, imo.

It will also be much slower to fill in than Lonicera Natidia

Hmm - all interesting stuff

I wonder then if a touch of red Escallonia in the big gaps (which happen to
be near each other) and Lonicera Natidia to fill in the rest?

The escallonia will give a bright splash to one end of the run which might
be visually interestoing.

SWMBO just asked if escallonia is good to grow over an arch former over a
pathway (narrow) gate? That's in the middle of the bits with 3' gaps in the
hawthorn. I could even justify removing the hawthorn completely ther (only
about 3-4 trunks worth) and just having a solid patch of escallonia.

Would photos of the hedge help?


Tim Watts