moss dislodged by heavy rain
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29-07-2012, 07:36 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
stuart noble
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 806
moss dislodged by heavy rain
On 29/07/2012 18:17, Janet wrote:
In article ,
The pavement in our road is now littered with lumps of moss after the
heavy rainfall. Loads of stuff on Google about how to get rid of it, but
nothing about whether it has any uses, and precisely what type of moss
it's likely to be.
Any info welcome.
A bit late for covering the soil of spring bulb pots, and lining
hanging baskets.
Mosses are usually quite acid and act as a sponge to hold water. So
if you wanted to neutralise/dampen dry alkaline soil in your garden why
not add a thick mulch of moss.
Otherwise you could give it to small children to make bowers for
fairies, only if elfinsafety allows of course.
I'll hang on to it anyway. Something else that might "come in handy".
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stuart noble
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