Dyslexia -v- imbecile To Janet and steerpike
On Jul 15, 4:51*pm, Baz wrote:
Janet wrote in news:MPG.2a6cf4fcb68f879198b7d4
In article , says...
As Baz says, dyslexia does not
equate to thick,
* *Competent readers will have noticed, that nobody in this group
suggested it does. Nor did anybody (other than Baz) introduce the terms
illness, disease, or imbecile.
* * Janet.
Wrong YET again.
Sorry Baz it seems you started this particular thread, and used the
word "Imbecile" in the title. Reading posts from you suggesting you
have taken professional advice on matters to do with both law and
insurance cover, and have not bothered to get the said advice in
writing suggests perhaps you are familiar with the meaning of the word