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Old 22-04-2003, 09:44 PM
Brent Walston
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Bringing in clippings during COLD nights?

At 02:30 PM 4/22/03 -0400, Tony Busko wrote:
Hello all,

I've got a tray pot that I have about 6-9 clippings with a plastic bag
over it in hope it will root. :-) Last night was pretty chilly here in So
Cal, about low 40's. I can't remember previous emails, but should I bring
in the clippings when it gets chilly, or will it be ok to keep outside
during the COLD night. Your answers are always greatly appreciated...


No, the cold won't hurt them, but not knowing exactly what you have or what
state they are in, it is probably best if you don't let them freeze. The
cold may slow them down a bit, but probably not significantly.

Brent in Northern California
Evergreen Gardenworks USDA Zone 8 Sunset Zone 14

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