Thread: Flood area?
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Old 11-07-2012, 03:55 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Baz[_3_] Baz[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,775
Default Flood area?

Sacha wrote in :

On 2012-07-11 12:59:47 +0100, Baz said:

Well, I have some documents at hand from water authourities, the
local council, and most importantly my solicitor.

The bottom line is that I, or the condition of my property cannot be
responsible for third party negligence.

All 4 have accepted this (I am the fourth).
My insurers have already accepted this. As they always have done. AND
as per contract will cover the legal costs.

I asked the million dollar question "will you continue to insure me".
Yes. Correct answer. Of course every renewal will be loaded and that
is accepted by me, but not as some alarmists predict. 3% is an
estimate. There is also a possibility of compensation once the
negligent authourities have been claimed upon. That will remain to be

The rest of the houses on this street are in the same situation, lets
see how things go. Some of them dont have anything else or another
place to go to. Imagine that!


If this is negligence on the part of your water board, you and others
in the street could probably band together to take legal action
against them.

Sacha, I dont know which comes first, the chicken or the egg.
I cant even think straight after the 4 meeting.
What I did understand is that the drainage is still inadequate, despite the
£? spent. And it is drainage (or lack of it) which is the problem.
