Thread: Grafting alders
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Old 25-06-2012, 12:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Michael Bell Michael Bell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 231
Default Grafting alders

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"David WE Roberts" wrote:

"Michael Bell" wrote in message
. uk...
The scion and stock are 2 -3 mm in diameter, somebody on this group
advised me to use Hellermann sleeves (thank you for that!) to hold the
scion and stock together, it took some trail and error develop a
technique, but I can now produce a workmanlike-looking graft. I cover
the scion with lay-flat tubing and droplets of water, appear on the
inside of the tubing, obviously evaporation from the scion's bud and
leaves. So obviously water is being transferred, but the graft dies
after a few weeks. Why?


Just wondering how long grafts stored under the same circumstances (i.e. in
the tubing) last before they die.
Cut pieces of branches continue to grow and transpire.
If their cut bases are put into water they can last a good few weeks before
they die.
So possibly all that is happening is that the grafts are behaving much as a
pruning in a low water loss environment would.
Which would mean that they are not starting to take then failing, but not
taking at all.
However, not sure how this helps you in your task.

I don't believe it, but it's possible. I can check it. I will put cut
scions in lay-flat tubing *not* grafted to the stock and see what

Who can I turn to for help? Some school of grafting? Do such exist?

Michael Bell
