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Old 18-06-2012, 06:00 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike'[_4_] 'Mike'[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 3,959
Default Any owners of Rhus, stag horn sumach tree please read.

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 2012-06-18 15:50:24 +0100, Janet Tweedy said:

In article , Sacha
I think it's fair to say that everyone is welcome in urg and that most
urglers try to be helpful. But if they come via e.g. Gardenbanter it
may help *them* to realise that they're not in a straight question and
answer situation. Because this is a discussion-about-gardening group,
they will get a lot of opinions, some of which conflict! What they
won't get, usually, is Answer B to Question A.

Gardening is like that though. I've just been to a garden centre where
people having been piling the most hideous mix (to my eyes) of bedding
and hanging basket plants onto their trollies, without much though for
whether the plants are all for sunny positions or for shady areas and
intend, from their remarks, them to all be placed together.

However they may not like my carefully co-ordinated pastel colour schemes
either but each to his own

When we make up hanging baskets for orders, we always ask if they're going
to be in sun or shade. Choice of colour is up to the customer, of course.
But when people choose for themselves, it's impossible to guide them
unless they ask for help.

If I concrete over my hanging baskets and before the concrete goes off I
stick a plastic daisy in it and I am pleased with it. Is that wrong? And who
are you or anybody else, to tell me it is wrong?

"MY" hanging basket. "MY" planning. "MY" pleasure.

A dig has already been made at someone's idea of hanging baskets. Shame on




I'm an Angel, honest ! The horns are there just to keep the halo straight.
