On Wed, 13 Jun 2012 Sacha wrote:
On 2012-06-13 19:55:15 +0100, Judith said:
On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 22:46:44 +0100, Janet wrote:
In article , Dean25.a4d5e96
@gardenbanter.co.uk says...
. I CREATED this
thread with the intention of aquiring suckers from someone local, I
didnt CREATE this thread to discuss Sumachs with people.
You have created this thread in a discussion group which exists
for other people to discuss plants, gardens, and garden related issues.
"other people" - eh? Just tell him he is not welcome and be done
with it.
(I of course think that he is spot on having been on the receiving
end of some
of your less than helpful comments)
I think it's fair to say that everyone is welcome in urg and that most
urglers try to be helpful. But if they come via e.g. Gardenbanter it
may help *them* to realise that they're not in a straight question and
answer situation. Because this is a discussion-about-gardening group,
they will get a lot of opinions, some of which conflict! What they
won't get, usually, is Answer B to Question A.
That, I think, is the most sensible answer in this whole thread.
David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK