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Old 13-06-2012, 10:50 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
Posts: 2,947
Default Any owners of Rhus, stag horn sumach tree please read.

On 13/06/2012 00:24, Janet wrote:
In ,

On 12/06/2012 22:46, Janet wrote:
In , Dean25.a4d5e96 says...

. I CREATED this
thread with the intention of aquiring suckers from someone local, I
didnt CREATE this thread to discuss Sumachs with people.

You have created this thread in a discussion group which exists purely,
for other people to discuss plants, gardens, and garden related issues.


This is getting childish.
The thread was created in Garden Banter

.. where he ignored GB's sticky and FAQ

and followed up here,
There is a hell of a lot of off topic trash being posted under various
headings that has little or nothing to do with gardening etc but we put
up with it.

You're forever complaining about spam and OT trash most of us never
see; you've been given endless advice how to do the same.

However, when a gardening thread appears, there is every reason for the
gardeners here to join in and discuss the topic of sumach... which they
did in perfectly normal fashion, until the OP rudely rejected their input.

I'm far from the only regular gardening poster who objected to that.


For your information I have been using NEWS Individual net for the last
month, and I seem to be seeing far more childish messages than I ever
did when using Goggle.
Granted Google didn't filter out a lot of spam, but it didn't seem to
show so much absolute crap that some people seem to post.
Sorry but there is no other term for some of the postings.
David@ the damp end of Swansea Bay