Major ant problem
On May 20, 7:30*am, Paul114
Hi there
I have a 100 by 50 foot lawn, sadly owned by someone who has the least
green fingers in the county. As such it has had little attention for
much of the last 28 years. For the last three years we have used an
external contractor (Green Thumb) to treat the grass, and we are seeing
some really good results - it appears to now consist of mainly grass not
weeds. However about 6 years ago I noticed somne ant nests in the grass
when I mowed. Last year it peaked at 56 nests accross the lawn. Now they
dont get in the house, and are standard black ants, but even I am
beginning to think I should do something to get rid of quite so many.
Any suggestions, short of napalm??
I would apply one of the granular insecticides designed
for lawns.