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Old 09-05-2012, 03:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Harry D Harry D is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2011
Posts: 18
Default Pruning a mature horse chestnut

"Rod" wrote in message

On Monday, 7 May 2012 17:00:39 UTC+1, Sacha wrote:

I would certainly check there isn't a TPO on the tree but if there
isn't, the enquiry may result in one being slapped on it, so you have
to be aware of that! It is the wrong time of year to be pruning or
cutting back but apart from that, your neighbour and this tree man
should be thinking of birds that may be nesting in it. In your
situation, I would insist on a proper tree surgeon. I have a nasty
feeling this is going to look a mess if it's not done properly because
you're dealing with a mature tree. Anyone wielding a chainsaw can have
a card printed suggesting they do such work but not everyone can do it
well. It takes an hour to wreck a tree which won't recover and decades
for one to grow. Insist on a tree surgeon who is properly trained. If
this man says he can do it next week I wouldn't employ him.
South Devon

I wonder if a TPO might help the O/P?
I think work like crown reduction may be allowed on TPO'd trees under
certain conditions. In such a case the powers that be would absolutely
insist on qualified, approved operators.


I have two mature horse chestnut trees in my front garden both with TPOs. I
wasn't allowed to top them out at all and only allowed to cut or trim
branches up to a height of around 8' from the ground to allow in a little
more light. Although I quite like the trees they can be a pain with nearly
all round the year niggles, starting with sticky buds then flower petals
followed by the dreaded conkers with mountains of leaves bringing up the
rear! Both trees are on my front lawn so they do make a lot of clearing up
